beautiful woman pursing lips on gold background

At Before-N-After, we are big fans of injectable dermal fillers because we know that they can beautifully enhance facial features without surgery. Our experienced providers offer customized filler treatments, including lip augmentation, cheek contouring, tear trough treatment, and jawline enhancement. For each treatment, we focus on providing the right type and amount of fillers for natural-looking results.

However, we’ve all seen photos of celebrities that prove there can be too much of a good thing when it comes to fillers. Overuse of dermal fillers can lead to a condition known as “filler fatigue,” where the face appears overly plumped and unnatural. This phenomenon is also referred to as “pillow face.” So let’s talk about the causes of filler fatigue, the signs to look out for, and how to achieve natural, beautiful results with dermal fillers.

What is Filler Fatigue?

Filler fatigue happens when dermal fillers are used excessively or improperly over time; the result is an unnatural, overstuffed appearance. When too much filler is used or fillers are placed in the wrong spot the face can look swollen and distorted, losing its natural contours and expressions. 

Causes of Filler Fatigue

Signs of Filler Fatigue

How to Avoid Filler Fatigue

Get Natural-Looking Dermal Fillers

At Before-N-After, our goal is always to enhance your natural beauty. When used appropriately, fillers can restore volume, smooth out wrinkles, and enhance facial contours—without compromising your natural expressions and features. Contact us so we can help you achieve the naturally refreshed look you deserve.